SWPP award for August monthly competition

Award from the SWPP monthly competition
It’s been a while since I entered the SWPP monthly competition so I thought I would take the opportunity to try my luck in August. The SWPP (The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers) monthly competition receives thousands of entries from around the World every month. I am delighted to say that I was awarded ‘Highly commended’ on a couple of images. The first image was shot as part of a series for an exciting new fashion collection for Unrivalled Legacy. The second image is from an ongoing project called “My Son!!”. My awards were in the ‘Fashion’ and ‘Portrait Advant Garde’ categories.
Highly Commended images
For the photographers out there, the fashion image was shot using a Canon 5D Mk 111, with a EF70 – 200mm f2.8 lens at 1/125 sec at f11 using a Sunbounce reflector to direct a little of the intense late summer afternoon sunlight back on to Matt the model. The little boy was shot using the same camera with a EF35mm f1.4 at 1/160 sec at f11 ISO 100 and lit using a single Elinchrom strobe with a 1.2m diameter deep soft box.
I have a passion for fashion photography and portraits, they both excite me for different reasons but they both have a common goal for me. I like to make people feel great about themselves, whether its during a photoshoot or receiving your finished images. I enjoy putting smiles on peoples faces. A simple reason, but one which is very important to me.
If you like what you see come and join my facebook page so you can keep up to date with the projects I am planning.
If you would like to contact Pete about your portrait photography requirements I would love to hear from you.